The treatment gap for mental disorders, refers to the difference between the number of people who require and receive care. According to the World Health Organization, mental illness is the leading cause of disability globally is a significant public health concern. Investing in mental health services can reduce individual suffering and economic burdens associated with mental illness, such as low productivity, unemployment, and caregiving responsibilities.
To measure the treatment gap, we can use direct or indirect methods. The direct method involves determining how many detected cases are not receiving treatment in a prevalence study. We can also inquire about the number of people recommended for treatment who did not follow through or discontinued it to understand how noncompliance contributes to the treatment gap.
Various macro and microenvironmental factors contribute to the treatment gap. Macroenvironmental factors include political-economic and social determinants, while microenvironmental factors address family-community and individual biopsychosocial determinants. Acknowledging mental health care as a human right is critical for protecting human rights, as some stakeholders may be resistant to accepting mental health care as a crucial component of health care.
The World Health Organization (WHO) introduced an online course on Quality Rights, which aims to bridge the gap in mental health treatment. The course is designed to help people with mental health conditions and their families understand their rights, as well as the importance of high-quality care and treatment. The course also focuses on reducing the stigma associated with mental health conditions and promotes the inclusion of people with mental health conditions in society.
Nawiri Wellness Center is a homely place for recovery, offering mental health-friendly services to bridge the treatment gap. By addressing various macro and microenvironmental factors, the center aims to provide holistic care to individuals with mental illness, promoting their overall well-being and quality of life. Furthermore, all practitioners at Nawiri Wellness Center are certified by WHO quality rights e training, ensuring quality services.